Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flipping Professional Development

The concept of flipping a classroom is not all that new any more. At last summer's Google Summit in Yarmouth, two educators presented their 'almost flipped' classroom. It is an interesting concept. However, even more exciting is the concept of flipping professional development for teachers. 

Having recently expanded my own PLN to include Twitter I have learned so much from educators all over the world, the idea of 1:world has truly become part of my normal routine. In browsing my Twitter account a few days ago I came across a fellow educator, Fred Sitkins, promoting an iTunes U course called Flipping Professional Development. That little geeky part of my soul was curious so I subscribed to the course and started reading and listening to the lessons. I was hooked. This concept of flipping PD can certainly be seen as a great way to meet the varied learning needs of professional educators. Plus it has the added value of modeling the concept of flipped instruction. This gives teachers a participatory experience which can lead to their own experimentation with flipping lessons for students. What better way to meet the needs of diverse learners?