Sunday, February 24, 2013

Do We Need a Social Media Curriculum?

Clearly social media connects us with people around the world  and gives us a better understanding of our global neighbors. Taking a close look at this infographic I can't help but wonder if we need to start thinking about a social media curriculum in our schools. Given the influence social media has on the economy and our lives, doesn't it makes sense to help students gain an understanding of what they are seeing and how it impacts their world? Similar to teaching students how to think critically when reading any other text, don't we also need to teach our students how to effectively use and critically view social media? Influence and Social Media - Infographic
DashBurst – Your Guide to the Web & Social Media

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Journey, It's Not Over...

Technology has been a part of my professional journey for years, actually for decades. I first started dabbling with technology in the classroom in the late 1980s when I received three Apple computers through a grant while teaching for the Department of Defense in Okinawa, Japan. While the technology has changed dramatically over the years my excitement for learning about ways to integrate technology into my classroom has remained unchanged. I am still as excited today about new discoveries around devices and apps, as I was all those years ago when I unwrapped those new computers. 

Becoming part of a world wide learning network through social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest has opened a whole new chapter in my professional development. While onsite workshops and conferences are still a great way to learn about the latest and greatest uses of technology in the classroom, using social networking sites allows me to learn at my own pace and to follow my individual path of interest. 

Following blogs of educators, who share a common passion for teaching and using technology to engage learners, has been an effective practice in my professional learning. I have found teachers who blog about their practices in the classroom are willing to share both their success and failures. This willingness to share has given me the knowledge and courage I have needed to try something new within my own practice. Following these educators through their blogs has encouraged me to push harder to bring devices and staff development into our school and district. So, it is my hope that this blog will also serve to inspire a teacher to try something new with technology in their own professional journey.